Tuesday, July 26, 2016

France - Terrorist Attack on Church

Important Updates added on July 26 / 28
on the identification of both perpetrators.

فرنسا.. ذبح كاهن بعد احتجاز رهائن بكنيسة

France - Priest slaughtered after hostages were held in a church.

شخصان يحملان السلاح الأبيض احتجزا رهائن في كنيسة قرب روان في النورماندي

Two persons carrying blades took hostages in a church near Rouen, Normandy.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية this morning, July 26, 2016]

According to the latest report from Reuters, French police "neutralized" two men armed with blades who had taken several people hostage in a church in northern France this morning.

One of the hostages had been killed with a blade in the attack which took place in the Normandy town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, south of Rouen. French media reported the attackers cut the throat of the 86 years old priest who was a clergyman since 1958.

Another report from the French paper Le Figaro, published only some minutes ago, says that both terrorists died during the intervention of French police.

Later that morning, French president Hollande made his appearance on the site of crime while the Islamic State IS confirmed that both perpetrators could be regarded as their soldiers.

Evening Update for July 26:

TV5 Monde - France:

L'un des deux assaillants a été formellement identifié comme étant Adel K., selon une source proche de l'enquête. Connu des services antiterroristes, ce Français, jeune majeur, avait tenté de rallier la Syrie par deux fois en 2015. Une première via l'Allemagne, alors qu'il était mineur, mais il avait été interpellé. Une seconde alors qu'il était majeur via la Suisse, puis la Turquie où il avait été arrêté.

Remis à la France, il avait été mis en examen pour association de malfaiteurs en lien avec une entreprise terroriste et placé en détention provisoire, puis libéré sous bracelet électronique.

According to a source near to the investigation, one of two attackers was formally identified as Adel K., a young adult of French nationality and who is already known to anti-terrorist services as he had tried to get into Syria twice in 2015. On his first trip taken as a minor via Germany he had been interrogated. On his second trip taken as an adult via Switzerland he had been arrested in Turkey.

Sent back to France, he had been accused of joining a criminal organisation related to terrorism and had become subject of provisional detention. Later, he was liberated, however, put under electronic surveillance by means of an electronic bracelet.

The attack has triggered off a parliamentary discussion between government and opposition, namely the Republican Party of former president Sarkozy, regarding the surveillance of potential terrorists. It was mentioned by TV5 Monde that up to now only 13 persons are under electronic surveillance for suspicion of terrorism, while that means is usually applied as an alternative for those serving a sentence of less than two years or persons waiting for their sentences.

Update for July 28, 2016:

فرنسا تعلن اسم المنفذ الثاني لذبح الكاهن في "روان"ـ

France announced the name of the 2nd perpetrator in the priest slaughtering of Rouen.

علنت فرنسا التعرف رسميا إلى المنفذ الثاني للاعتداء في الكنيسة بفرنسا، وقالت النيابة العامة إن اسمه عبدالمالك نبيل بوتيجان (19 عاما).ـ

France announced essential knowledge about the second perpetrator in the attack on a church in France. The public prosecutor's office told his name as being Abdulmalik Nabil Butijaan, a 19 years old [youth].

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on July 28, 2016]

Document used by Abdulmalik Nabil Butijaan under his assumed name of Maur Petitjean
as a driving license for light motor-cycles that can be operated by 14 years old minors.


Visitor from some remote area in Argentine and
who is interested in the "abyss of the soul":
Neurology Meets Religion - The Devil Within

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