Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Silent Community of Al-Qaeda

ضربة أميركية جديدة ضد "خراسان" في سوريا

New U.S. blow against " the silent [community] " in Syria.

نفذت الولايات المتحدة ضربة جوية ضد "مجموعة خراسان" الجهادية في شمال غرب سوريا، في آخر هجوم جوي ضد هذه المجموعة المقربة من تنظيم القاعدة، كما أعلنت القيادة الأميركية الوسطى المكلفة في المنطقة، الأربعاء.ـ

The United States realized an air raid against the militant " silent community " in North-Western Syria, in [the frame of] another air-borne attack directed against that community familiar with Al-Qaeda organization, as the central U.S. command in charge of the area declared on Wednesday.

وأوضحت القيادة الأميركية أن الطيران الأميركي "ضرب ودمر موقع تخزين على علاقة بشبكة لمقاتلين سابقين في القاعدة أطلق عليها أحيانا اسم مجموعة خراسان التي يحضر عناصرها هجمات خارجية ضد الولايات المتحدة وحلفائها".ـ

And the U.S. command explained that two U.S. planes " attacked and destroyed a warehouse in relation with the network of former fighters for Al-Qaeda [who are] sometimes called ' the silent community ' [and who are] preparing their [i.e. Al-Qaeda's] followers for attacks abroad [directed] against the United States and their allies. "


Another headline quoted from today's breaking news of Al-Arabiya :

واشنطن قلقة من علاقة محتملة بين متطرفين في ليبيا والتنظيم المتطرف في سوريا والعراق

Washington is alarmed by a probable connection between extremists in Libya and the extremist organization in Syria and Iraq.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on November 20, 2014]


" Europe Calling "
( Visitors from Europe )

Ajaccio in Corsica where Napoléon Bonaparte was born in 1769.

Bremen in Germany and Amsterdam in the Netherlands
share a long tradition as West-European seaports and
still count among Europe's important trading centres.

In 1285 the township of Tallinn, then known as Reval, became the northernmost
member of the Hanseatic League – a mercantile and military alliance of German
-dominated cities in Northern Europe. Nowadays, Tallinn still enjoys a strategic
position at the crossroads of trade between North-Western Europe and Russia.

After Abdulrahman I founded the Emirate of Córdoba in 756,
he ordered to build the largest mosque of his time next to the
Kaaba on the banks of Guadalquivir River. When Ferdinand III
of Spain conquered Córdoba in 1236, he transformed it into a
Christian cathedral the same year. Most architectural changes,
however, were realized after 1500. Among further remnants of
Islamic rule, the Alhambra in Granada needs to be mentioned.

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