Saturday, April 12, 2014

Ukraine Awaiting Russian Invasion

The above timeline of recent articles published on the web on the proceedings in Eastern Ukraine has been recorded only one hour ago. It shows, even better than any military facts and individual evaluations could do, what the West is now expecting from Russia. Maybe this is what Russia's strongman Putin was planning from the very beginning ...

While recent press reports are concentrating on the development in Eastern Ukraine, Russia's military capacities, either for deterrence or invasion, have already been thoroughly analyzed days ago:

NATO secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen in a
speech held in the Czech Republic on April 10, 2014.
[Source: TIME on April 11, 2014]

BBC News on April 8, 2014: Is Russia ready to move into eastern Ukraine?, a military evaluation published by Jonathan Marcus, BBC defence correspondent.

Some recent visitor from Beijing found my blogspot on military activity in North Korea by
simply typing into the search line of Google-HongKong: " The imaginary enemy troops ".

朝鲜无人机已能搭载高爆炸弹 杀敌于无形(图)

North Korean drones can already lift highly explosive bombs.
- Fighting the enemy out of nowhere. -


This is a snapshot taken on April 6 of an unmanned aircraft that crashed in South Korea. .......... It should be the third incident of that kind during a short period of time.

[Source: New China Agency 新华社 and other sources on April 11, 2014]

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