Thursday, October 10, 2013

Nobel Prize 2013 for "God Particle" Theory

Yesterday, October 8, Peter Higgs and his predecessor François Englert were named as the new laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics 2013. Their [ "God Particle" Theory ] has already inspired many scientists in their understanding of elementary processes related to the creation of the universe.

CNN evening news on October 8, 2013.

Peter Higgs - Finally Trapped By Cell Phone
Peter Higgs - Enfin Attrapé Par Le Cellulaire

The French magazine LEXPRESS describes Peter Higgs as a modest guy in his eighties and who hates modern accessories like cell phones. However, finally he has been trapped by global cell phone news.

Choice of localized visitors to "blueprint news", detected during the first week of October 2013:

Another choice of localized visitors and who came during the last 30 hours:

A Lecture on History:

The Khmer Rouge period (1975–1979) in Cambodia's history refers to the rule of Pol Pot ("Brother No.1") and the Khmer Rouge Communist party over Cambodia, which the Khmer Rouge renamed as Democratic Kampuchea.

The four-year period cost approximately 2 million lives through the combined result of political executions, disease, starvation, and forced labor. Due to the large number of deaths, the proceedings during the rule of the Khmer Rouge are commonly known as the Cambodian Holocaust or the Cambodian Genocide.

Democratic Kampuchea was a practically isolated state. Only the People's Republic of China had some diplomatic influence as can be seen from sporadic official visits by high-ranking Chinese delegations that, however, seemed to have no real impact on the proceedings in Cambodia. The Mao-Tse-Toung Boulevard in Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh might be a reminder of that time, marked as well by the end of the Mao era in China.

Mao meeting with Pol Pot (center) and Ieng Sary,
foreign minister of the Khmer Rouge government.

After a Vietnamese invasion overthrew the Khmer Rouge in 1979, Vietnamese occupation authorities established the People's Republic of Kampuchea, installing Heng Samrin and other pro-Vietnamese Communist politicians as leaders of the new government. That invasion came because the Vietnamese minority in Cambodia was subject to a massacre like many other groups of Cambodia's society.

It was at the very beginning of the invasion that I happened to participate at a New Year's festival of the Vietnamese Students' Association in West-Berlin. On that evening, a member of the North-Vietnamese embassy in East-Berlin appeared with a film documentary of recent developments on the Vietnamese - Cambodian front and which showed the first Cambodian mass graves discovered by Vietnamese troops. Such, I happened to be among the first westeners to see pictures related to the genocide under the rule of Pol Pot. As far as I remember, it took a week or so that single pictures from that documentary were finally shown on TV.

Pol Pot under house arrest.

A modern documentary, broadcast by a German TV station only some years ago, proved that Cambodia still had problems at that time to sue those responsible for the Cambodian genocide. In an interview while being under house arrest, Pol Pot (1925-1998) was even telling a journalist he was " too old now and unwilling to remember all those things that happened in the old times and had no importance for him any longer ".

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