Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Korea - U.S. War Strategy

Last UPDATE: April 18

美军加快战略转移 朝鲜半岛成美先进武器展示场

U.S. Army speeding up a change of war strategy. - The Korean peninsula becoming a place for showing off advanced U.S. weaponry.


In short: Currently, U.S. troops are brazenly deploying a whole set of advanced weapons at the periphery of South Korea. Now that [America] is considering once again to test its response capacity while dealing with the Korean peninsula at the time of an "accident" [or: something unforeseen], it's as well about showing off U.S. military strength to [their] allies and [about showing] that America is their strong and reliable friend forever. Such strengthening U.S. influence in the Asia - Pacific region, America's ultimate aim is to realize its strategic intentions for [that region].

[Source: China Radio International CRI online 国际在线 on April 16, 2013]


South Korea buys 36 Apache helicopters for "responding to North Korea".


The South Korean government provides a budget of 1.800 billion South Korean Won (which is about 9,946 billion Chinese Yuan / Renminbi = 1,6 billion U.S.$) for the purchase of 36 Apache helicopters AH-64E between 2016 and 2018.

Apache helicopters are as well used by U.S. combat units. They are manufactured by Boeing, U.S.A..
[Source: New China Network 新华网 on April 18, 2013]


One white poplar is in danger to initiate the "Second Korean War".


Recently, the smell of gunpowder is growing stronger and stronger on the Korean peninsula. A "Second Korean War", it seems, is on the verge of breaking out. Looking back in history for nearly half a century, [we remember having experienced] three dangerous moments of facing a "Second Korean War".

The term "white poplar" is most probably referring to Kim Jong Un as becomes clear in the following text. What follows are three further chapters dealing with historic proceedings, each of them introduced by a headline:




A president mad from alcohol and with changing moods
[literally: happyness and rage are changing].

The South Korean schoolmaster "posing as a hero"
and deliberately provoking.

Digging out the white poplar [will
turn] the situation out of control.

[Source: People's Network 人民网, comment published on April 17, 2013]

News Update:


South Korea denies secret contacts with the North.

This has been confirmed today, April 17, by a senior official
from the South Korean ministry of reunification.
[Source: New China Network 新华网 on April 17, 2013]


Reminding the Korean War

爱新觉罗·溥仪 — 我的前半生

Here is an excerpt from the autobiography of Pu Yi, last emperor of China and emperor of Manchuguo, the Japanese puppet state during World War II. In the early 1950s Pu Yi was imprisoned as a war criminal in the South-Manchurian detention camp of Fushun where he learnt about the Korean War that took place almost in his neighbourhood. I provided some of his memories from that time in the English translation:

一直到我相信了中朝人民军队确实连获胜利之前,我总认为自己不死于中国人之手, 就得死在美国飞机的轰炸中。总之,我那时只想到中国必败、我必死,除此以外,别无其他结果。

" All the time before I came to believe, the Chinese - Korean people's army could really achieve a joint victory, my main concern was that I wouldn't die from the hands of Chinamen but rather during an air raid of the Americans. To put it in short: At that time, I only thought of China having to lose that war and me having to die. Moreover, I couldn't imagine any other result. "


" The Chinese - Korean people's army driving the U.S. away from the 38th degree of latitude was something on what we habored much doubt as well. "

As the year passed, Pu Yi experienced one night when he awoke due to some noise and heard many persons running at the outside:


" I considered this could only mean that U.S. troops were pressing towards Harbin, [and I expected] the Communist Party to finally put their hands on us when total war was inevitably coming closer. "

The author Pu Yi was still undergoing re-education at that time and was not yet the personality that later became some kind of a "model citizen" and reputable member of China's Political Consultative Conference where he was engaged in historic research. In those later years he even enjoyed the personal protection of China's former prime minister and chief diplomat Zhou Enlai.


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