Friday, November 16, 2012

Israel - New War Against Ghaza

Latest UPDATE for November 17 / 18 further down !

غزة: القصف الاسرائيلي يتواصل، وصاروخ يسقط قرب القدس

Ghaza: Israeli shelling continues while rocket hits near Jerusalem.

After a new type of rockets hit areas of Israel, up to now considered to be secure, Israel is planning an offensive against Palestinian Hamas insurgents in Ghaza.

Above: Range of rockets used by the Hamas movement to attack Jerusalem and Tel Aviv from the Ghaza strip. The Iranian Fajr فجر 5 missile has given a new dimension to the long-standing war between Palestinian insurgents and Israel. Such missiles have been smuggled from Egypt into Ghaza via the demilitarized zone neighbouring Ghaza.

Much support from Egypt should not be expected by Israel when it comes to stop smuggling weapons into Ghaza as president and prime minister of Egypt have already shown their sympathy for the Hamas movement. That should be clear, at least, after Egypt's PM Hisham Kandil visited Ghaza for some hours today.

Above: Egyptian PM Hisham Kandil (left) meeting with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh (right).

اعلنت حركة حماس عن تلقيها "عدة عروض من دول مختلفة" لإبرام إتفاق تهدئة مع إسرائيل، مبينة أنه "لا جدية لدى إسرائيل في وقف هجماتها على الفلسطينيين في قطاع غزة."ـ

The Hamas movement announced to deal with "several proposals from different states" [for] a conclusion [giving priority to] an appeasement with Israel [while] making it clear that "there is no [advantage until the moment] Israel is ending its attacks on Palestinians in the Ghaza sector."

وقال الجيش الاسرائيلي الجمعة إنه قرر اغلاق ثلاثة طرق قريبة من قطاع غزة امام حركة المرور المدنية، في اشارة اخرى الى تحشيد محتمل للقوات البرية في المناطق المحاذية للقطاع

On Friday, the Israeli army said it decided to close three passages near the Ghaza sector for [public] traffic of [Ghaza] city [thus giving] another hint on possible concentration of desert troops in the environment facing the [Ghaza] sector.

[Source: BBC Online, Arabic service, on November 16]


مليون إسرائيلي يحتمون في الملاجئ من صواريخ غزة

A million Israelis need to seek shelter against rockets from Ghaza.

[Source:, an Al-Jazeera company, on November 17]


مزيد من الشهداء والجرحى في غزة، والمقاومة ترد بقصف المستوطنات

Many martyrs [or: dead war heroes] and wounded in Ghaza [while] the resistance is responding with shelling the "implanted colonies".

[Source: Alalam Online, Iranian News Channel, on November 17, 2012]

Editor's Note: The expression "implanted colonies" has the full meaning of "implanted colonies in occupied territories" and should therefore refer to any Jewish settlements. The Iranian website in Arabic language (cropped image below) is mentioning a death toll of 31 Palestinians and 450 wounded in recent fightings.


On November 17, the center of the Hamas movement in Ghaza has been destroyed by Israeli troops.

Two days before (Nov. 15) the PLO Delegation in Washington DC published a comment at the beginning of renewed military action against the Ghaza strip, staged by Israel and formally approved by the Obama administration. In the below snapshot of that comment, the address of the original PDF document has been inserted to enable verification.


كتائب القسام قالت إنها أطلقت صواريخ استطاعت الوصول إلى تل أبيب و القدس

The al-Qassam Brigades said they launched rockets able to reach Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

مراسل الجزيرة: 3 جرحى في قصف إسرائيلي على مبنى يضم مكاتب إعلامية في قطاع غزة

According to Al-Jazeera's reporter there should have been three wounded during Israeli shelling of a building that is hosting [news agencies] in the Ghaza strip.

[Source: Al-Jazeera, Arabic TV, on November 17/18]

Editor's Note: The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas's military wing formed in 1992, is named in commemoration of influential Palestinian nationalist Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam. Although the al-Qassam Brigades are an integral part of Hamas, they also operate independently of Hamas, and at times contrary to Hamas' stated aims. Short-range rockets they use are, as well, named Qassam rockets, even though they might be almost identical to the rather primitive Katyusha missiles used by Hezbollah insurgents in Lebanon.


Above: Ghazi Hamad, deputy foreign minister of the Hamas government for Ghaza, in an interview with the English service of Al-Jazeera.

November 18 - First Statistics of War

At least 55 people in Ghaza killed by Israeli air strikes and hundreds wounded.

Israeli army says 50 rockets have been fired from the Ghaza strip on Sunday.
Israeli army says 33 rockets have landed in Israeli territory on Sunday.

520 rockets have landed in Israel since start of operation "pillar of defense".
280 rockets fired from Ghaza have been intercepted by "iron dome", an air defence system, in that time.

Above: Launch of Hamas rocket.

Arab League says it will send a delegation to the Ghaza strip on Tuesday while "Mideast Quartet" leader Tony Blair is to meet Israeli PM Netanyahu.

[Source: Al-Jazeera, English service, on November 18, 2012.]

Palestinian Riot in the West Bank

مواجهات بين شبان فلسطينيين و قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في محيط معتقل عوفر العسكري غربي رام الله و في جنوبي نابلس

Confrontations between Palestinian youngsters and Israeli occupation forces in the environment of Ofer military prison, west of Ramallah and south of Nablus.

[Source: Al-Jaazeera, Arabic TV, on November 18]

Editor's Note: The military prison of Ofer, a Jewish settlement in the West Bank, is notorious among Palestinian insurgents. There are accusations of human rights' abuse in that place.


Above: Neighbours of Israel visiting "blueprint news" (i.e. activated visitor access points in the region for the last 200 registered visitors).
Below: Visitor from one of the finest neighbourhoods in Washington DC.

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