Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Syria - Electronic Warfare

Electronics of War Against
Weapons of the Internet

كلمة سر "إيميل" بشار الأسد المخترق 1234

Email password of Bashar al-Assad cracked: 1234

[Editor's Note: This was Assad's email-password in April 2011 according to activists quoted in today's article of Al-Hayat.]

قال قائد الفريق الذي قام بعملية اختراق "إيميل" الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد عبد الله حاجم الشمري لصحيفة "الحياة" اللندنية: "إن لديه نحو 7500 رسالة إلكترونية للأسد تضم كنزاً من الأسرار والفضائح"، و"رسائل مثيرة من الحلقة الضيقة له".ـ

The leader of a group engaged in accessing the email of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, Abdallah [Kajam al-Shamari], said in the London [published Arabic] journal "Al-Hayat" that "Assad has about 7500 emails [in his mailbox, among them] secret and scandalous ones" and "provoking letters of fear [or: distress, uncertainty]".

[Source: Al-Arabiya on September 5, 2012]

As to the leader of the Syrian group mentioned above, here are some more facts about him. [Source: Al-Hyat on September 5, 2012]:

درس الشمري (45 عاماً) الطب في بلغاريا. وعمل في شركة خاصة في السعودية، وأنشأ مع «فريق» أول شبكة معلومات عربية على الإنترنت وتولى إدارتها

The 45 years old [Shamari] studied medicine in Bulgaria. He [then] worked for a specialized company in Saudi-Arabia and founded with "Fariq" the first Arabic informatics network on the internet and took over its administration.

Hacking for Syria

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