Sunday, October 23, 2011

Elections in Tunisia - انتخابات في تونس

General Elections in Tunisia

انتخابات عامة في تونس

Today, Tunisia experiences its first general elections after the ousting of president Ben Ali. There are 4.4 million voters and first reports, received at the end of the day, are hinting at a 90% participation of all voters (refer to image below !). Here are some of the most remarkable parties and their political programs as far as available [Source: Al-Jazeera, Arabic channel].

حركة النهضة
Movement of Renewal (Annahda)

The predicted winner according to latest media news on October 24, 19:00 GMT.

The moderate Islamist party is expected to receive about 40% of all votes, and they seem to have many female supporters [October 25, 04:00 GMT].

3عقود من الحظر
3 terms of prohibition [i.e. this party was excluded from three foregoing elections under the rule of former president Ben Ali].

شعارها: من أجل تونس الحرية و العدالة و التنمية
Its slogan: For Tunisia's liberty, justice and development.

البرنامج و الأهداف
Program and goals :

التأسيس لنظام برلماني جمهوري
لتحقيق العدل و الحرية و الاستقرار
دعم قيم الحداثة
تعزيز حرية المرأة
إقامة علاقات جيدة مع الغرب

- Creation of a parliamentary and republican system.
- For the realization of justice, liberty and stability.
- Support of modern values.
- Enforcement [or: support] of woman's liberty.
- Establishing good relations with Western [countries].

الحزب الديمقراطي التقدمي
The Party of Progressive Democracy


التكتل الديمقراطي
The Democratic Block

البرنامج و الأهداف
Program and goals :

نموذج تنموي جديد
بنية تحتية اقتصادية
توفير مناخ ملائم للاستثمار

- A new model for [development].
- An economic infrastructure.
- A prospering climate favourable to investment.

القطب الديمقراطي الحداثي
Modern Axis of Democracy

البرنامج و الأهداف
Program and goals :

الفصل بين السلطات
استقلالية القضاء
حرية الإعلام و الفكر

- Separation of powers [i.e. governmental,
judicial and parliamentary power].
- Autonomy of justice.
- Freedom of information and opinion.

الاتحاد الشعبي الجمهوري
The People's Republican Alliance

حزب جديد و صفير
A new and small party [probably presenting about 2.000 people].

الهيئة العليا المستقلة للانتخابات
The Independent Election Committee Ali.

[i.e. followers of ousted president Ben Ali]

Docket of a ballot box indicating election ward "Tunis 2".

الانتخابات التونسية تشهد إقبالا كثيفا فاق نسبة 90% من إجمالي المسجلين
The Tunisian elections witnessed a massive [participation] of more than 90% of all [voters] registered.

[Source: Al-Arabiya, October 24, 2011]

According to the large number of ballots to be counted, final results should not be expected earlier than Tuesday.

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